Tutorial untuk buat perkataan bergerak mengikut cursor adalah seperti berikut.
1. Dari dashboard > design > add a gadget > HTML/javascript (more info)
2. Copy dan paste kod berikut dalam html/javascript yang anda buka.
<style type="text/css"> /* Circle Text Styles */ #outerCircleText { font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-family: 'comic sans'; color: #FF0080; position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;z-index: 3000;cursor: default;} #outerCircleText div {position: relative;} #outerCircleText div div {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;text-align: center;} </style> <script type="text/javascript"> ;(function(){ var msg = "Perkataan anda di sini"; var size = 24; var circleY = 0.75; var circleX = 2; var letter_spacing = 5; var diameter = 10; var rotation = 0.4; var speed = 0.2; if (!window.addEventListener && !window.attachEvent || !document.createElement) return; msg = msg.split(''); var n = msg.length - 1, a = Math.round(size * diameter * 0.208333), currStep = 20, ymouse = a * circleY + 20, xmouse = a * circleX + 20, y = [], x = [], Y = [], X = [], o = document.createElement('div'), oi = document.createElement('div'), b = document.compatMode && document.compatMode != "BackCompat"? document.documentElement : document.body, mouse = function(e){ e = e || window.event; ymouse = !isNaN(e.pageY)? e.pageY : e.clientY; // y-position xmouse = !isNaN(e.pageX)? e.pageX : e.clientX; // x-position }, makecircle = function(){ // rotation/positioning if(init.nopy){ o.style.top = (b || document.body).scrollTop + 'px'; o.style.left = (b || document.body).scrollLeft + 'px'; }; currStep -= rotation; for (var d, i = n; i > -1; --i){ // makes the circle d = document.getElementById('iemsg' + i).style; d.top = Math.round(y[i] + a * Math.sin((currStep + i) / letter_spacing) * circleY - 15) + 'px'; d.left = Math.round(x[i] + a * Math.cos((currStep + i) / letter_spacing) * circleX) + 'px'; }; }, drag = function(){ // makes the resistance y[0] = Y[0] += (ymouse - Y[0]) * speed; x[0] = X[0] += (xmouse - 20 - X[0]) * speed; for (var i = n; i > 0; --i){ y[i] = Y[i] += (y[i-1] - Y[i]) * speed; x[i] = X[i] += (x[i-1] - X[i]) * speed; }; makecircle(); }, init = function(){ // appends message divs, & sets initial values for positioning arrays if(!isNaN(window.pageYOffset)){ ymouse += window.pageYOffset; xmouse += window.pageXOffset; } else init.nopy = true; for (var d, i = n; i > -1; --i){ d = document.createElement('div'); d.id = 'iemsg' + i; d.style.height = d.style.width = a + 'px'; d.appendChild(document.createTextNode(msg[i])); oi.appendChild(d); y[i] = x[i] = Y[i] = X[i] = 0; }; o.appendChild(oi); document.body.appendChild(o); setInterval(drag, 25); }, ascroll = function(){ ymouse += window.pageYOffset; xmouse += window.pageXOffset; window.removeEventListener('scroll', ascroll, false); }; o.id = 'outerCircleText'; o.style.fontSize = size + 'px'; if (window.addEventListener){ window.addEventListener('load', init, false); document.addEventListener('mouseover', mouse, false); document.addEventListener('mousemove', mouse, false); if (/Apple/.test(navigator.vendor)) window.addEventListener('scroll', ascroll, false); } else if (window.attachEvent){ window.attachEvent('onload', init); document.attachEvent('onmousemove', mouse); }; })(); </script>
Note: Tukar 'Perkataan anda disini' dengan apa yang anda mahu.
3. Save dan lihat hasilnya.:)
3. Save dan lihat hasilnya.:)
Bagi yang ingin sedikit ubahsuai, boleh rujuk beberapa perkara berikut.
1.Tukar style
font-style: normal; (pilihan lain italic, oblique, atau inherit)
2. Tukar warna perkataan
color: #FF0080; (untuk code warna, rujuk entri ini HTML color code
3. Tukar jenis tulisan
font-family: 'impact'; (pelbagai lagi bentuk perkataan yang ada, boleh rujuk dibawah)
1.Tukar style
font-style: normal; (pilihan lain italic, oblique, atau inherit)
2. Tukar warna perkataan
color: #FF0080; (untuk code warna, rujuk entri ini HTML color code
3. Tukar jenis tulisan
font-family: 'impact'; (pelbagai lagi bentuk perkataan yang ada, boleh rujuk dibawah)
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